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Save $25 off your first order with Splendid Spoon

Splendid Spoon Refer a Friend Program

Save $25 off your first order with Splendid Spoon

SAVE $25 OFF YOUR FIRST ORDER WITH SPLENDID SPOON! From Splendid Spoon: Eat Great. Save Time. Feel (& look) Amazing. We combine the power of plants, the science of slow cooking & nutrient bioavailability and the proven health benefits of intermittent fasting to design a formula that easily fits into your daily life. Our advisory board includes a registered dietitian, a specialist on energy homeostasis, and a professional chef who work with us to create recipes that leave you satisfied and energized. Our plans are customizable, and suitable for those on an elimination program, a sugar detox, or paleo diet. *Offer valid for new Splendid Spoon customers only.